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Collecting Trash for Fruits of Refuse at the Park Cleanup

Photo of artist Erin Wade collecting trash for her recycled art piece Fruits of Refuse. On Saturday a bunch of friends helped me collect trash in Bidwell Park as part of the annual Bidwell Park and Chico Creeks cleanup organized by the Butte Environmental council.

We collected about 50 lbs. of trash that will be recycled become the Fruits of Refuse art show, to be displayed at One Mile in October. Thanks Janice, Jessica, Jeff, Jude and Catherine!

Some of the items that have been collected and will be part of the finished work: alcohol bottles, backpacks, balloons, beer cans and bottles, beverage containers, bike parts, bikes, blankets, bras,  cardboard, cigarette butts, cigarette lighters, cigarette packages, clothing, coffee cups, construction materials, disposable razors, fast food packaging, flip flops, grocery item packaging, junk mail, keg cups, lawn chairs, party remnants, plastic bags, religious literature, ribbons, rolling paper wrappers, roofing felt, school project on medevil castles, shoes, snack food packaging, toys, underwear, water toys, wood.

There's more about this recycled art project in the gallery.