Entries in eco-art (5)


A Collaboration

Here's the result of my collaboration with poet Hilary Tellesen for the Ekphrasis show at 1078 Gallery. My recycled art piece is below and Hilary's poems are on top—see below to read them. 

Recycled art sculpture by Erin Wade

Awed Socks, 2010.
Salvaged fencing, socks, rocks, beeswax, pigment, oilstick


Click for a larger view of Hilary's poems:

Poem by Hilary Tellesen, part of a collaboration with artist Erin Wade

Poem by Hilary Tellesen, part of a collaboration with artist Erin Wade


 Poem by Hilary Tellesen, part of a collaboration with artist Erin WadePoem by Hilary Tellesen, part of a collaboration with artist Erin Wade


See me at Janice Porter's Jtown at 1078 Gallery

Jtown is an interactive art environment by my dear friend Janice Porter that will be taking over the 1078 Gallery in Chico in October.

I've got a structure in her imaginary, utopic neighborhood of the future—a sculpture that's part meditation hut, part wedding dress—all made from recycled and salvaged materials (mainly plastic trash).

Janice has lots of events planned—check out the flyer and see you there!


Last Days at The 46

The art on the walls was the last thing I moved out of The 46 a few weeks ago. Matt Barber and Andrew Terrell have taken my place there and I'm excited to see what the two new guys and Dylan will have in store.

These are sculptural sketches done over the past 2 years—ideas for pieces, experiments and explorations excuted in miscellaneous salvaged/recycled materials.

There are more photos in the Gallery.

Recycled art sketches by Erin Wade


More on Fruits of Refuse

After two weeks in Chico's Bidwell Park, the pieces in my Fruits of Refuse installation had started to become part of the landscape. They'd been rained on and were full of oak leaves.

A swarm of ants was working on an open package of Sour Straws candy.  One piece had gone missing, been found and returned.

The boot had sprouted:

Image of sculpture made from park trash by artist Erin Wade

Visitors had added their own touches, many of them following the color palette of the piece, like this blue beer can added to the center of a blue and yellow sculpture:

Image of sculpture made from park trash by artist Erin Wade


Collecting Trash for Fruits of Refuse at the Park Cleanup

Photo of artist Erin Wade collecting trash for her recycled art piece Fruits of Refuse. On Saturday a bunch of friends helped me collect trash in Bidwell Park as part of the annual Bidwell Park and Chico Creeks cleanup organized by the Butte Environmental council.

We collected about 50 lbs. of trash that will be recycled become the Fruits of Refuse art show, to be displayed at One Mile in October. Thanks Janice, Jessica, Jeff, Jude and Catherine!

Some of the items that have been collected and will be part of the finished work: alcohol bottles, backpacks, balloons, beer cans and bottles, beverage containers, bike parts, bikes, blankets, bras,  cardboard, cigarette butts, cigarette lighters, cigarette packages, clothing, coffee cups, construction materials, disposable razors, fast food packaging, flip flops, grocery item packaging, junk mail, keg cups, lawn chairs, party remnants, plastic bags, religious literature, ribbons, rolling paper wrappers, roofing felt, school project on medevil castles, shoes, snack food packaging, toys, underwear, water toys, wood.

There's more about this recycled art project in the gallery.